Tapping Tips - Overcoming Fear from What I Witnessed

Tapping Tips - Overcoming Fear from What I Witnessed Tapping Tips – Fear from what I witnessed Sounds dramatic, but we can have a response to a sight, sound, smell, touch. And yesterday I was triggered by both what I saw and heard.

I watched someone lose their S@#T! As a result, I felt fear from what I saw because his reaction was so intense, my nervous system responded in such a way that I needed to run (or drive away in this situation).

Here’s the scenario: I was driving to work in the city and going into a public carpark. A guy in the car in the 2nd lane, as I pulled in to get my ticket, was smashing the crap out of the ticket machine and screaming it at hysterically. I instantly felt a fear in my stomach and chest. Had I not used EFT/Tapping to calm me down, it would have impacted how I showed up in the office. I would have been unproductive and possibly not able to function as I needed to. I would have seen that image the whole day and my body would have kept responding to the image as if I was experiencing every time, I thought about it.

Not good! In this video I show you how I used EFT/Tapping for me and then also demonstrate how it could be used for the guy. So, you will see me as the observer and what impact it had and how I use tapping, and how the individual experiencing the ‘thing’ could use EFT/Tapping to release what was going on for him so he could show up differently, possibly as his best self.

I don’t think that would have been the case yesterday. He might have taken what was going on for him into the workplace, not engaged well with others, not performed at his best and just had a crappy day. Imagine experiencing that day in and day out? The toll that would take on the persons overall mental, emotional, and physical health.

That is not sustainable.

Please if you are tapping along with me, take full responsibility for your emotional wellbeing and if you need support and want to work with me, please reach out to www.katiewalkereft.com or hello@katiewalkereft.com to book a free consult.

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