Tapping Tips - Overwhelm, My inbox is full!

I asked you, 'what can I do to help you with learning more about how EFT can help you?'

I have had a number of questions come through and today's question, which is a goodie as it is experienced by a lot of people:

"I’d love help with tapping on overwhelm of other people’s priorities…(my inbox is FULL of other people’s information and I either feel guilty for not reading a newsletter, or I feel FOMO and like I could be doing something else that would “get me closer to my next step”."

Are you curious how Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)/Tapping can help with this?

Watch the video for one way that I would approach this to reduce overwhelm.

Tap along with me to experience a decrease in stress, gaining clarity on managing the situation.

Remember to take responsibility for your well-being and reach out for additional support if needed.

After tapping, you may find enhanced problem-solving abilities as stress decreases.

#eftjourney #OverwhelmRelief #EFT #StressManagement #WellBeing #TapAlong #EmotionalHealth #Mindfulness #SelfCare #EFTTechniques #emotionalfreedomtechniques


Tapping Tips - Overcoming Fear from What I Witnessed